You’re stronger than you think.

It’s time to level up.

Book a live class with LF Training



As a coach, I do more than just write a training plan for you. We maximize your hard work through clear intention-setting and consistency. We start with a questionnaire and a complimentary call to ensure our work together is in line with your fitness goals.

Then the work begins. Through weekly Zoom check-ins, nutrition advice tailored to you, form tweaks, and more, I customize a program that gives you the most out of your training, before, during, and after your sessions.

I keep my client roster small to give you the attention you deserve. You know what that means: space is limited…


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Make your inbox a place of motivation

with fitness tips, tunes to get that extra rep in, & even a FREE WORKOUT to get you started.

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Promise they’re limited and intentional 💪